Hidup ini akan sangat krik-krik kalo gak dilengkapi musik.
lagi makan, lagi mandi, lagi boker, lagi pipis, lagi nyuci baju, lagi nyuci piring, lagi nyetrika, lagi ngepel, lagi naik bajay, lagi naik angkot, lagi naik metromini, lagi naik kereta, lagi belajar, lagi diem, lagi duduk, lagi tidur, lg ngayal, lagi kayang, lagi setres, lagi penat, lagi pilek, lagi masuk angin, lagi pusing, lagi joging, lagi main bekel, lagi main basket, lagi galau, lagi nangis, lagi marah, lagi suka sama orang, lagi gak suka sama orang, pasti bakal enjoy kalo sambil dengerin musik.
nahh langsung aja deh gue sebutin top 25 yg lagi suka banget gue dengerin, enjoyyyy!!!
1. The Beatles: Rocky Racoon
2. Arctic Monkeys: Murdy Bums
3. The Strokes: Last nite
4. Gorillaz: Clint eastwood
5. The Vaccines: If You Wanna
6. The Kooks: Seaside
7. Coldplay: Paradise
8. Jake Bugg: two fingers
9. Maroon 5: She will be loved (Acoustic)
10. Float: pulang
11. Two Door Cinema Club: The world is watching
12. Copeland: Coffee
13. Phoenix: long distance call
14. My Chemical Romance: Famous last words
15. Vampire Weekend: a-punk
16. Gruplove: tongue tied
17. Payung Teduh: resah
18. Adhitia Sofyan: Memilihmu
19. Tame Impala: feels like we only go backwards
20. Alex Turner: Piledriver waltz
21. She&Him: i thought i saw your face today
22. The Smiths: There's a light that never goes out
23. The Velvet Underground: Pale blue eyes
24. Breakbot: The Mayfly and the light
25. Blur: Parklife